Tuesday, 4 February 2014

T1 W5 Rank your Principles


  1. 1. Do What you love
    2. Kick start your brain
    3. Say no to a thousand things
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Sell dreams, not products
    6. Put a dent in the universe
    7. Master the message
    Reasons for:
    1. Firstly we need to have a passion for doing things, or else you would not succeed.
    “People with passion can change the world for the better.”A quote from steve jobs.
    2. We need to have plans to do something and we need creativity to make a product unique or stands out from the others. “Creativity is connecting things.”A Quote from Steve Jobs.
    3. We cannot have too many ideas, hence we have to narrow down to only ideas that you think that is unique. “I’m as proud of what we don’t do as I am of what we do.”A quote from Steve Jobs.
    6. Put a dent in the universe is not as important because if you have the first 3 principles this would just come.
    7. Master the message is not as important as the rest as mastering the message isn't important.

  2. 1. Do what you love
    2. Kick start your brain
    3. Say no to a thousand things
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Sell dreams not products
    6. Put a dent in the universe
    7. Master the message
    1. To do something first of all you have to really want to do it, if you don't like what you are doing then don't do it.
    2. Next you would have to work your brain very hard to come up with ideas that would be of great use and would make people want to buy it.
    3. With thousands of ideas, it would be impossible to make every idea that good as if you would to concentrate on a few ideas they may be a lot easier to concentrate on and have a greater impact on the world than the thousand ideas.
    6. After everything that you went though you would definitely want it to put a great impact on the world and make yourself well know, so if it doesn't put a dent in the universe it may just have been a great waste of time after all.
    7. After releasing it to the world you would need to see what you can do to make your product even better and that would be by taking note of what people need and what in their daily lives.

  3. 1. Do What you love
    2. Kick start your brain
    3. Say no to a thousand things
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Master the message
    6. Sell dreams, not products
    7. Put a dent in the universe
    1. We must like what we are doing or we will hate doing it and not excel in it
    2.Now give your brain a KICKSTART let the ideas flow in, the innovation , and creativity
    3. NOW sift through the ideas and TAKE OUT THE BEST ONLY
    6. make sure your product has an IMPACT and isnt jus something nobody wants like
    7. IMprove, IMPROVE, improve make sure your product is up to date and all

  4. 1.) Kick start your brain
    2.) Do what you love
    3.) Create insanely great experiences
    4.) Say no to a thousand things
    5.) Sell dreams, not products
    6.) Put a dent in the universe
    7.) Master the message
    1.) We must be fresh and energised before we do anything if not, it would all be rubbish.
    2.) We need to do what we love in other words do what we are interested in with passion.
    3.) After we start doing what we have interest in, we can start to generate ideas based on the topic.
    4.) After we have our ideas that we brainstormed we would have to select the better ones to work on.
    5.) After we selected and worked on the ideas we need to put ourselves into the customers shoes to see if they want/need it.
    6.) When we start selling our products, we would have to make it good so that we can impact the world
    7.) Master the message is not as important as the rest as mastering the message isn't important.

  5. 1)Do what you love
    2)Kickstart your brain
    3)Put a dent in the universe
    4)Say no to 1000 things
    5)Master the message
    6)Sell dreams,not products
    7)Create insanely great experiences
    1)If you don't do what you love, you will not be so committed to create a good product
    2)If you don't kickstart your brain, you will not have ideas and thus would not be able to come up with a unique and great product
    3)You need to create a product so good that it would put a dent in the universe, or else it would not become very successful
    4)You need to focus on only a few good ideas or else you would be distracted with the lousy ideas and thus would not concentrate so much on your good ideas
    5)You need to know what your customer want or else you not even be able to create a product that would help your customer realise their dream
    6)Your customers only cares about themselves and would only buy something that would help them realise their dreams, or else they would just buy from another brand that helps them realise their dreams
    7)You need to create insanely great impressions to give the customer a good first impression and make them want to come back to buy your things again

  6. 1) Kickstart your brain
    2) Do what you love
    3) Say no to 1000 things
    4) Create insanely great experiences
    5) Put a dent in the dent in the universe
    6) Sell dreams not products
    7) Master the message

    1) You have to be active and ready before you can do anything.
    2) After getting ready do what you love.
    3) Say no to 1000 things and dont get distracted to anything but focus on your target.
    4) Create great experiences when you are creating your idea experience all the possible things that can come out of your idea.
    5) Put a dent in the universe after trying to create your idea and change the impression to your idea.
    6) Sell impressions on people. Make them feel satisfied by your idea and make them look up to you.
    7) Master what you need people to know about your idea. Make them know precisely what your message to them is.


  7. 1) Do what you love
    2) Kick start your brain
    3) Say no to 1000 things
    4) Put a dent in the universe
    5) Sell dreams, not products
    6) Master the message
    7) Create insanely great experiences

    1) To begin or to do something, first you need to have passion in it, to love what you’re doing, so that you’ll have a greater commitment when doing it
    2) You’ll need to kickstart your brain to gain ideas. If you don’t, your product/s will become crappy.
    3) Though there are other great ideas out there, you only need to choose the best if not you would be wasting your time and resources on other things that are not that amazing as the best.
    4) You would need to have an extremely good product that would put a dent in the universe so that it would be recognisable to others and they would start buying it.
    5) You’ll need to know what your customers want to buy, and not what you want to sell.
    6) After you have mastered the message, you know what the customers want and how and what to improve on your products.
    7) To assure that your customers would want to come back to your store, you would need to make them feel satisfied with your products. Create insanely great experiences for them so that your products/ store/shop would be etched in their memories.

  8. 1)Do what you love
    2)Say no to 1,000 things
    3) Put a dent in the universe
    4)Sell dreams, not products.
    5) Master the message.
    6)Create insanely great experiences
    7)Kick start your brain


    1)If you dont do something which you love, you wont be able to find the need to put effort in what you are doing
    2)We should focus on a specific thing and not about other things
    3)You should make something which can be used in daily life to leave an impression on people
    6)Try to make the experience of your customers with you be enjoyable
    7)You need to kick start your brain to make new ideas that will attract people

  9. 1. Do What you love
    2. Say no to a thousand things
    3. Kick start your brain
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Master the message
    6. Sell dreams, not products
    7. Put a dent in the universe
    1.Firstly, you have to do what you love because if you were forced to do something that you are not interested in, then its like, you will not do it well because you do not take interest and do it for the sake of doing.
    2. Next, after doing what you love, you have to combine all your ideas into one rather than you do a lot of things and those ideas is not very good.
    3. Next after deciding on the idea, you have to kickstart your brain to start to build your product.
    4. Next you have to get experience from others and improvise. In the apple store, it did not have cashiers, and when you have experience, you will get learning points and will not repeat the same mistakes, instead, you improvise it.
    5. Next, you have to master the message as you have to be in your customers' point of view.
    6. Once you are in the customers' point of view, think of their dreams and what they want to achieve. When you sell your product that can help your customers to achieve their goals and dreams, your customers will want to buy your very useful product.
    7. Next once you have created your product, it is time to attract the world to buy your product, and that's where the advertisements come in. That way you can easily make a dent in the universe

  10. 1. Do What you love
    2. Kick start your brain
    3. Say no to a thousand things
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Sell dreams, not products
    6. Put a dent in the universe
    7. Master the message
    1. Motivation is one big reason for success. To have motivation, you must love what you are doing.
    2. When you kick start your brain you get more creative words.
    3. Saying no to 1000 things gives you more time to focus on the better products.
    4. Creating insanely great experiences makes your customers want to come back to your store again.
    6.make a difference to people’s lives.

  11. 1. Do what you love
    2. Kick start your brain
    3. Say no to a thousand things
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Sell dreams, not products
    6. Put a dent in the universe
    7. Master the message
    1. You got to enjoy what you are doing to make something work
    2. After knowing what your goal is, you start thinking of ideas by kick starting your brain to work towards your goal
    3. Say no to 1000 things is to invest your time wisely on good products so that you can reach your goal too.
    4. Creating insanely great experiences helps you to work towards your goal as once you can leave a great experience for your customer they will come back might even spread to their friends..which will hep greatly in your business and help you attain your goal.
    5. Sell dreams not products will also help your business to grow as customers will be willing to pay for the "dream" that they want.
    6. When you start to put a dent in the universe you should be close to your goal already, you let the whole world know about what you are selling and promote to make your product enter the daily routine of customers which is the whole world.

  12. 1. Do What you love
    2. Kick start your brain
    3. Say no to a thousand things
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Sell dreams, not products
    6. Put a dent in the universe
    7. Master the message
    1. Motivation is one big reason for success. To have motivation, you must love what you are doing.
    2. When you kick start your brain you get more creative words.
    3. Saying no to 1000 things gives you more time to focus on the better products.
    4. Creating insanely great experiences makes your customers want to come back to your store again.
    6.make a difference to people’s lives.

  13. 1. Master the message
    2. Kick start your brain
    3. Do what you love
    4. Create insanely great experiences
    5. Sell dreams, not products
    6. Put a dent in the universe
    7. Say no to a thousand things

  14. do what you love
    kickstart your brain
    Say no to a thousand things
    Create insanely great experiences
    sell dreams not products
    put a dent in the universe
    master the message

    before you do anything you must have passion and start thinking
    without motivation nothing great can be achieved you must also make the customers happy such that they will come back to buy your products.
